
Natural care - Kidney pack - Benefits and Precautions


Natural care - Kidney pack - Benefits and Precautions


  • Decreases hyper acidity , heart burn , nausea and vomiting
  • Stimulates function of kidneys thus reduces water retention
  • Very effective treatment for Hypertension, Acid peptic disease , Migraine
  • Relaxes the low back muscles thus relieving back pain


  • Consult doctor if having Bronchial asthma , hypersensitive skin
  • Empty urinary bladder before treatment
  • Drink 2 glasses of water before and after treatment
  • Take treatment on a empty stomach or 3 hours after meals for maximum benefits

Average cost of Kidney Pack treatment

  • Rs.500 to Rs.1000
Experience the healing power of nature at Nature Cure center at Jayanagar 3rd Block , Bangalore.