Elections are a crucial part of a healthy democracy, and casting your vote is your chance to have a say in your government. With every political elections around , its time to be prepared with required details which is needed to cast vote and avoid last minute rush and confusions saving time. Every time when elections are conducted , a voters list is freshly generated and a copy will be circulated at the polling booth stations or ward offices . To ensure a smooth voting experience and avoid last-minute hassles, it's essential to be prepared with the Voter Slip
What is Election voter Slip and its importance
When a citizen visits the booth the first check done by the personnel is to validate whether the citizens name is present in the voter list . There are chances even citizen have a voter ID card but name is not present in the list , in which case they are not allowed to cast the vote. Hence its very important to check whether your ID is present in the voter ID list and collect the part number , Part serial number. Here are the mandatory information needed to caste vote in Bengaluru and their meaning
- EPIC no - unique voter ID card number issued to the voter
- Parliamentary Constituency number and Name - Parliamentary Area Constituency under which a voter is allowed to vote
- Assembly Constituency number and Name - Assembly Area Constituency under which a voter is allowed to vote
- Polling Station , part number - Location at which you have to visit to caste vote and its number
- Part serial number - your serial number in the voter ID list of this polling station
How to get your voter slip
- Visit the Election commission of India website https://electoralsearch.eci.gov.in/ or download the app
- Enter your voter ID card EPIC number / search details and submit the request
- If your details are correct and entry is present it will display the result and provide a option to view the voter slip details and download
- Click on link under Action View details , and select option to Print/Download the slip
- Details of election officer and their contact details are also displayed for reference
Faster process at the polling station
When you visit the polling station , no need to wait again to get your voting slip or search as you already have a copy . Just carry your voter ID card or equivalent ID proof accepted along with this voting slip. When you enter the booth station , show the officials the voter slip part serial number . This will help them to pin pointedly search and allow you to vote thus saving time
By familiarizing yourself with the Voter Slip and acquiring it beforehand, you can ensure a smooth and efficient voting experience on election day. Remember, your vote is your voice – make sure it's heard!
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