The technique of rotation of knees to relieve rheumatoid arthitis
Full Butterfly
Sthithi : Dandasana
- Bend both the knees , draw the legs along the ground , to bring the soles of the feet to press each other and the heels touch the perineum.
- Completely relax the inner thigh muscles
Stage I - Clasping the feet with hands
- Clasp the feet with the fingers
- Now gently bounce the knees up and down
- Try to touch the knees to the ground on the downward stroke with normal breathing
- Practice 30 to 50 up and down movements
Stage II - Hands on the knees
- Place the hands on the knees
- Using the palms , gently push the knees down towards the ground, allowing them to spring up again
- Normal breathing
- Repeat 20 to 30 times
- Straighten the legs and relax.
- Do not force the movements
- Try to keep the back , neck and head straight
- Also keep the trunk steady during the practice.
"This is a collected article from Sri Swami Vivekananda Yoga research Foundation . Simple yoga books are available at the institute. Our sincere thanks to Dr R Nagarathna and Dr H R Nagendra for sharing the details."
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