
4 avatars of Lakshmi and reason Friday is more auspicious

Lakshmi is one of the most revered deities in Hinduism. She is the goddess of wealth, prosperity, fortune, power, beauty, fertility and auspiciousness. She is also associated with Maya, the illusionary power of the Supreme. She is the consort of Vishnu, the preserver of the universe, and the mother of Kamadeva, the god of love. She is worshipped by Hindus as a source of material and spiritual well-being.

According to Hindu mythology, Lakshmi was born from the churning of the ocean of milk (Samudra Manthan), a cosmic event that took place in the Satya Yuga. She emerged from the ocean seated on a lotus flower and holding another lotus in her hand. She was adorned with jewels and gold, and radiated beauty and grace. She was sought after by both the gods and the demons, who were engaged in a fierce battle for the nectar of immortality (Amrita) that also emerged from the ocean. However, Lakshmi chose Vishnu as her husband and became his eternal companion.

Another version of her origin states that she was the daughter of Bhrigu, a sage, and Khyati, his wife. She was later reborn as the daughter of the sea-god Varuna and married Vishnu.

Her Avatars and Their Significance

Lakshmi is believed to have accompanied Vishnu in each of his incarnations on earth. She took different forms to suit his roles and personalities. Some of her avatars are:

Sita: She was the wife of Rama, the seventh avatar of Vishnu. She was the epitome of loyalty, devotion, purity and courage. She endured many hardships and trials during her exile with Rama and her abduction by Ravana, the demon king. She proved her chastity by undergoing a fire test (Agni Pariksha) and later returned to her mother Earth when Rama doubted her again.

Dharani: She was the wife of Parashurama, the sixth avatar of Vishnu. He was a fierce warrior who exterminated the Kshatriya (warrior) class 21 times for their tyranny and oppression. She was his support and solace in his violent mission.

Rukmini: She was the chief queen of Krishna, the eighth avatar of Vishnu. She was a princess who eloped with Krishna to avoid marrying Shishupala, a wicked king. She was devoted to Krishna and loved him unconditionally. She was also a great devotee of Lakshmi and worshipped her regularly.

Padma or Kamala: She was the wife of Vamana, the fifth avatar of Vishnu. He was a dwarf who tricked Bali, a generous but arrogant king, into giving him three steps of land. He then expanded himself to cover the earth and sky with two steps and asked Bali for a place to put his third step. Bali offered his head and surrendered to Vishnu's supremacy. Padma or Kamala emerged from a lotus when Vamana took his cosmic form.

These avatars show that Lakshmi is not only the goddess of wealth but also of wisdom, virtue, love and compassion. She complements Vishnu's role as the protector and preserver of life.

4 avatars of Lakshmi and reason Friday is more auspicious


Why Worship on Fridays

Fridays are considered auspicious for worshipping Lakshmi in Hinduism. The word Friday comes from Shukravar in Sanskrit, which is derived from Shukra, the name of the planet Venus. Venus is associated with beauty, wealth and prosperity, which are also the attributes of Lakshmi. Moreover, Friday is dedicated to feminine energy in Hinduism, and Lakshmi is one of the supreme goddesses who represents Shakti or divine power.

Worshipping Lakshmi on Fridays is believed to bring good luck, abundance, happiness and success in life. There are various rituals and practices that are followed by devotees on this day. Some of them are:

- Fasting: Many people observe a fast on Fridays for Lakshmi. They abstain from eating grains, salt, onion, garlic and non-vegetarian food. They eat fruits, milk products and sweets instead. They break their fast after performing puja in the evening.

- Cleaning: It is said that Lakshmi only visits clean houses and avoids dirty or messy places. Therefore, devotees clean their houses thoroughly on Fridays and decorate them with rangoli (coloured patterns), flowers and lamps.

- Puja: Devotees perform puja or worship for Lakshmi on Fridays by offering her various items such as rice, turmeric, kumkum, betel leaves, fruits, flowers, incense, lamps and sweets. They also chant mantras, hymns and prayers dedicated to her. They invoke her blessings for wealth, prosperity and happiness for themselves and their families.

- Aarti: After the puja, devotees perform aarti or waving of lamps for Lakshmi. They sing songs and praises in her honour and express their gratitude and devotion. They also distribute prasad or sacred food among the participants and the needy.

By following these rituals and practices, devotees hope to please Lakshmi and receive her grace and favour. They also seek her guidance and protection from all kinds of troubles and difficulties in life.
