Mandya Haida is a Kannada romantic comedy movie directed by Srikanth Pandavapura and produced by S. Chandrashekar under the banner of Tejas Creation. The movie stars Abhay Chandru, Bhumika Bhumesh, and Balarajwadi in the lead roles, along with Manohar Gowda, Lollu Sabha Manohar, and Billy Murali in supporting roles.
The movie revolves around a group of friends who try to create discord in the love between the protagonist’s friend and his lover. The protagonist, played by Abhay Chandru, is a happy-go-lucky guy who loves his friends more than anything. His best friend, played by Balarajwadi, falls in love with a girl, played by Bhumika Bhumesh, who belongs to a different caste and community. The protagonist and his friends, played by Manohar Gowda, Lollu Sabha Manohar, and Billy Murali, are against this relationship and try to break them apart. However, they soon realize that their friend and his lover are truly in love and that they are making a mistake. How they mend their ways and help their friend and his lover, forms the rest of the story.
The Reasons to Watch
Mandya Haida is a movie that has many reasons to watch. Here are some of them:
- The movie has a simple and sweet plot that portrays the bond of friendship and love. The movie has many humorous and emotional scenes, as well as some touching moments, that keep the audience engaged and entertained throughout.
- The movie has a realistic and relatable theme that reflects the current scenario of inter-caste and inter-community marriages in India. The movie shows the challenges and the prejudices faced by the couples who belong to different castes and communities, and how they overcome them with the support of their friends and families.
- The movie has a talented and charming cast that delivers natural and convincing performances. Abhay Chandru plays the role of the protagonist with ease and charisma, and shows his skills as a comedian and a dancer. Bhumika Bhumesh plays the role of the lover with grace and elegance, and has a good chemistry with Balarajwadi. Balarajwadi plays the role of the friend with maturity and sincerity, and shows his versatility as an actor. The supporting actors, such as Manohar Gowda, Lollu Sabha Manohar, and Billy Murali, also add to the humor and the drama of the movie.
- The movie has melodious and catchy songs composed by Arjun Janya, who is also the music director of the movie. The songs are well-picturized and suit the mood and the theme of the movie. The background score is also effective and enhances the emotion and the romance of the movie.
The Lessons from the Movie
Mandya Haida is a movie that has some lessons to learn from. Here are some of them:
- The movie teaches us to be supportive and respectful of our friends and their choices, even if they are different from ours. The movie shows how the protagonist and his friends realize their mistake and apologize to their friend and his lover, and how they help them to get married and to be happy.
- The movie teaches us to be open-minded and tolerant of the diversity and the differences in the society, and to accept and appreciate the people for who they are. The movie shows how the lover’s parents and the protagonist’s family overcome their initial objections and prejudices, and how they welcome and bless the couple.
- The movie teaches us to be loyal and faithful to our loved ones, even in the face of adversity and opposition. The movie shows how the friend and his lover stand by each other and face the challenges and the dangers, and how they prove their love and commitment to each other.
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