Bhairathi Ranagal, directed by Narthan, is a gripping Kannada film that serves as a prequel to the 2017 hit movie Mufti. The film stars Shivarajkumar in the titular role, portraying the journey of Bhairathi Ranagal from a young, frustrated villager to a formidable gangster fighting for justice.
The story begins in 1985, with young Bhairathi Ranagal (played by Shivarajkumar) repeatedly petitioning government officials for basic amenities like drinking water for his village, Ronapura. Frustrated by the neglect, he takes a drastic step by planting bombs in a government office, landing him in prison as a juvenile. During his time in prison, Bhairathi channels his anger into education, emerging as a lawyer determined to fight for his village's rights. Upon his release, he finds Ronapura in a worse state, now plagued by illegal mining and exploitation by the Parande Steel Company. Bhairathi's legal battles escalate into a full-fledged rebellion against the mining mafia and corrupt authorities.
Cast includes Shivarajkumar as Bhairathi Ranagal , Rukmini Vasanth as Dr. Vaishali , Rahul Bose as Parande , Chaya Singh as Bhairathi's love interest, Devaraj, Madhu Guruswamy, Babu Hirannaiah, Shabeer Kallarakkal, and Prathap Narayan in supporting roles.
Narthan's direction is commendable, crafting a mass entertainer that stays true to Shivarajkumar's image. The screenplay is well-paced, with the first half focusing on Bhairathi's early struggles and the second half intensifying with action-packed sequences and powerful dialogues. The film's music, composed by Ravi Basrur, adds to the intensity of the story. The background score complements the film's dramatic moments, enhancing the overall viewing experience.
Bhairathi's journey teaches us the importance of resilience in the face of adversity. The film highlights the significance of fighting for justice, even when the system fails. Bhairathi's dedication to his village and its people emphasizes the value of empathy and community
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