It was a small house in a remote place, one would say its not even a house - but a small room instead. A married couple lived there. The room was so small that only two people could sleep with minimum comfort.
One day evening , it started raining heavily with thunders and storms. As the couple had just returned from work , there was nothing to eat and they felt hungry & simply slept for a rest , as they could not go outside due to heavy rain. At this moment , they heard someone tapping the door. The husband asked the wife to open the door. The wife replied "No, lets not open . May be someone has come to take shelter due to rain. Now there is little space left here which would suffice for we both to sleep". The husband eagerly replied "No, its fine. It doesn't matter. As there is no other house nearby, its our duty to help them. We can manage 3 people here by sitting.May be they are soaked in rain" - saying this himself opened the door. A stranger had appeared before the door seeking shelter - they shed a blanket and all 3 sat on the blanket - the stranger introduced himself and his experiences, around 10 min passed , while the conversation continued - the door tap was heard again. The stranger warned "Do not open the door , if anyone comes there is no place to sit here". The house owner (husband) replied "My Friend , don't worry - it doesn't matter - even my wife told the same thing when you had come and now you found shelter. Similarly someone else may be in need of shelter.Let us invite him also. I know there is space here only for 3 people to sit, but we can manage 4 people by standing" - saying this opened the door. Stranger2 appeared seeking help and joined the group - thanked the owner for providing shelter - now all 4 four started their conversation.

The above short story teaches us a valuable lesson. In our homes - there may not be more space , more wealth - but shouldn't we be having at heart? It need not be only money / wealth to share, but we can share some of our time also. Sharing a loving Smile , few happy moments - always increase with sharing. Its a worthy share which increases with share.
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