Bad Manners is a Kannada action drama thriller movie directed by Duniya Suri, who is known for his realistic and gritty films like Duniya, Jackie, and Kendasampige. The movie stars Abhishek Ambareesh, son of late actor and politician Ambareesh, in the lead role of Rudra, a young and reckless cop who gets into trouble when he loses his service gun at a crime scene. The movie also features Rachita Ram, Sharath Lohitashwa, Niranjan, and Priyanka Kumar in pivotal roles. The movie is produced by Sudhir K M under the banner of Studio 18 and distributed by Jayanna Films. The music is composed by Charan Raj and the cinematography is done by Deepu S Kumar.
Reasons to watch the movie
- Abhishek Ambareesh’s performance: Abhishek Ambareesh, who made his debut with Amar in 2019, has proved his mettle as an actor with Bad Manners. He has portrayed the character of Rudra with conviction and intensity, showing his range of emotions and expressions. He has also performed some daring stunts and action sequences, which are a highlight of the movie. Abhishek has received rave reviews from critics and audiences alike for his performance, and has established himself as a promising star in the Kannada film industry.
- Duniya Suri’s direction: Duniya Suri is one of the most acclaimed and respected directors in the Kannada film industry, who has a knack for making realistic and engaging films. With Bad Manners, he has delivered another masterpiece that keeps the viewers hooked from the start to the end. He has crafted a gripping story that revolves around the theme of crime and corruption, and has explored the dark and dirty side of the society. He has also infused some humor and romance in the movie, to balance the tone and mood. Suri has also extracted brilliant performances from his cast, and has used the locations and settings effectively to create a realistic and immersive atmosphere.
- The plot and the twists: Bad Manners has a simple yet intriguing plot that follows Rudra, a cop who is given a job in the police force as compensation for his family’s debt. When Rudra loses his service gun at a crime scene, he is given an ultimatum to find it or face suspension. However, he soon realizes that his gun is involved in a series of crimes, and he has to catch the culprit before it is too late. The movie has a fast-paced and thrilling narrative, that keeps the viewers on the edge of their seats. The movie also has some unexpected twists and turns, that add to the suspense and excitement. The movie has a satisfying climax, that wraps up the story neatly and leaves a lasting impression on the viewers.
Lessons from the movie
- The value of honesty and integrity: Bad Manners shows the importance of being honest and upright in one’s profession and life. The movie depicts the corruption and malpractices that are prevalent in the police force and the society, and how they affect the lives of the common people. The movie also shows how Rudra, despite being a flawed and impulsive person, tries to uphold his duty and morality, and does not succumb to the temptations and pressures that he faces. He also learns from his mistakes and tries to redeem himself, by finding his lost gun and exposing the criminals. The movie teaches the viewers to be honest and ethical, and to stand up for what is right, even if it is difficult or risky.
- The importance of family and friends: Bad Manners also shows the significance of having a supportive and loving family and friends, who can help one in times of need and trouble. The movie shows how Rudra’s family, especially his mother and sister, care for him and encourage him, despite his shortcomings and failures. The movie also shows how Rudra’s friends, especially his colleague and love interest Priya, stand by him and help him in his mission, despite the dangers and difficulties. The movie teaches the viewers to value and cherish their family and friends, and to be loyal and grateful to them.
▶ Trailer
▶ I am in Love
▶ Bad Manners
▶ Saraayi
▶ Oga Oga
▶ Jeeva
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