Cow - also known as "KamaDhenu" in India is treated as sacred animal . Its each product is of great use to mankind. Ever wondered , there are a lot of health benefits from its urine as well ? In this article , we provide information on few benefits of Cow Ark or "GoMutra" - the distilled content. The content extracted from a cow which eats grass and other green leaves is proved to be more effective.
* Having two spoons of Gomutra is very good for health. Having equal amount of Gomutra with water , helps in purifying blood , helps in proper excretion and functioning of excretory organs.
* It has the abilities to reduce common Blood Pressure , Diabetes , TB and other mental disorders.
* It helps in reducing and removing toxins
* The water content inside it helps in maintaining body heat and blood absorbents.

* It is used in preparing medical tablets , pastes for curing skin related problems after filtering.
* It also has many useful natural chemical contents which increases the anti-disease stamina.
* The Iron content present in it , helps in increasing a person's vigor and number of red blood cells
* The copper content present in it , helps in reducing fats , smooth functioning of Kidney and cleanses blood.
* Regular use of Gomutra helps in preventing kidney & Bladder stones.
* The potassium content it has , helps in increasing tongue taste sensing ability and relaxes nerves
* The Sodium and Magnesium content in it helps in cleaning blood , anti-bacteria stamina and reduces dizziness, Gas Gangerin etc.
* The Nitrogen content in it helps in normal functioning of excretion system and aids in smooth flow of urine.
* The calcium content in it helps in purifying blood , aids to bone strength , prevents blood clots.
* It has good amount of Vitamin A,B,C,D which helps in increasing a person's sperm count , reduces frequent thirst and increases fair.
* The lactose sugar content present in it helps in reducing heart problems and dizziness.
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** Disclaimer : Above are only details on the benefits . Please consult your physician or ayurvedic doctor to get recommendations on the quantity of usage to suit you.
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