Even when we sleep , we still make use of it for our dreams ! Just Imagine a situation you are stuck in some accident and you need to memorize back an important contact number and if you are not able to get it , what pathetic state you may encounter !
Keeping this vital organ in proper health and smooth function is very critical. Educating our children with proper foods intake to help its growth is very important at early stages.
In this post we share our collection of natural foods and tips which aid to maintain , increase human brain health & its memory power.
- Drinking Gourds (ಸೋರೆಕಾಯಿ) juice everyday
- Using Brahmi / Gotu Kula (ಒಂದೆಲಗ) leaves is very effective
- Methi leaves , Raddish smashes mixture with Salt , Pepper , Jeera sausage may be either taken raw or boiled
- Having a glass of Grey Pumpkin (ಬೂದು ಕುಂಬಳಕಾಯಿ) juice
- A glass of pure cow milk with a spoon of Honey daily
- Having Jeera decoction daily
- Having dry ginger , Jeera , Sugar stone mixture not only increases tongue taste but also aids memory power
- Oil bath once a week
- Regular use of Amla fruit gradually increases memory strength
- Don't use a big pillow while sleeping. Use a medium sized pillow
- A glass of manjo juice with a spoon of honey
- Cardamom powder milk shake with a spoon of honey served hot
- Regular use of white onions
- Vegetables of Blue , Red , Green colors are good for brain functioning - Brinjal , BeetRoot , Onions , Spinach helps in increasing brain functionality
- Those having fish , the omega 3 content available in sea fish aids to brain strength
- Children must not be just restricted to studies and should be left open to other cultural activities like Music , Theater , Instruments etc.
- Occasional picnics , learning new things during picnic.
- Outdoor Play / Dance / Aerobics till you sweat.
- Regular use of cereal / grains Sprouts , Grapes , Pumpkin seeds , Akrut similar dry fruits
- A glass of milk everyday
- Having chocolates once or twice in a week
Do follow this and share your experience with us . There may be many more such remedies - if you have one do share your comments and help other folks.
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